Power List Media Targeting

Power List Media Targeting

Being talked about by those who have the audience you want is a surefire way to get noticed. But where do you start? We'll curate and email you a CSV Power List of the best-fitted media, bloggers, podcasters, contributors to online sites like Huffington Post, Forbes, etc. that you can then follow and strike up a relationship with to be featured in their stories.

Using Chapter Five in the Secret Collaborative Economy book we send to you, you'll discover how to connect with the media with finesse and ensure you don't come across desperate for attention.

When you do this right you'll:
  1. Harness media & PR relationships that will pay dividends for your marketing strategy
  2. Own relationships with journalists directly which cuts your costs of needing to rely solely on a PR agent/representative you pay on retainer
  3. Increase your ability to gain new customers from the publicity you receive, with people who will now view you as credible because you've been featured by an outlet they trust.
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