At Promo Nation, we have policies about Business and Services/Products we will and won't promote. This is because we care about the quality of whatever we're promoting.
It is very important for us to only promote great brands, and those that can become great brands over time. Additionally, because we work and collaborate with partners to deliver the Marketing Deals, we have to comply with their standards e.g. press releases and media partners, billboards, influencers etc.
This is why every business/brand or person that applies for a Marketing Deal with us, goes through compliance before being able to come on board. During your application process, we will check that you're not apparently promoting anything we prohibit.
We will reach out to you if we find anything that needs clarification, but if everything is good, your application will be accepted.
Here is the list of prohibited content/businesses for Promo Nation Citizens:
- CBD or Marijuana/Drug paraphernalia products of any kind or in any form.
- Sex/nudity, profanity, graphic violence, hate speech/personal attacks.
- Illegal or immoral goods or services (including but not limited to) betting or gambling-related businesses or products.
- Footnotes, disclaimers, or “fine print” of any kind.
- The identity of the advertiser must be discernible
- Ads must be for something, rather than against something.
- All political ads must have a clear and legible “Paid for by…” statement.
- All campaigns must be for a cause or candidate not against!
- Negative or potentially controversial ads, incl. controversial religious or socio-political topics that can inflame audiences. Derogatory statements targeting companies/individuals; or statements that are verifiably false or needlessly inflammatory.
- Affiliate marketing products (incl. ClickBank/ClickSure hopLinks), get rich/get rich quick schemes, FOREX trading, proven/unproven medical alternatives and protocols (including weight-loss products and fad nutritional supplements without FDA approval like Garcinia Cambogia and forskolin).
- Website links flagged as potential malware threats
- Mentioning other companies (whether your competitors or not). No Us vs ‘Company Name’ ads are permitted.
- Nothing that inflates or falsely boosts traffic on social media (eg. Buying likes, followers and views for social media websites such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc.)
- Images for which you do not own the copyright, or do not have permission to use for commercial purposes.
- If you’re NOT promoting your own business (e.g. you’re an agent/agency/reseller etc.), we need to see something in writing that demonstrates that the advertiser has given you permission to act on their behalf (e.g. an email or contract). We will not contact them directly about this, it is your responsibility to provide it for our information to protect us both from lawsuits. Without this information, we will NOT GO LIVE with your billboard.
- Ad content appropriate for all audiences. In other words, it needs to be Rated G.
- Any content that infringes upon the trademarks of other entities/persons.
- Stock Recommendations (promote stock picks, crypto-currency/blockchain/tokens) or related money-making schemes or tips, newsletters, alerts, recommendations, advice, or reviews.
It is also possible that we may add more to this list without notice, or otherwise deem content/conduct inappropriate for promotion.
Make sure that your business and content do not contain the things listed above before applying for a Marketing Deal and completing your submissions.
If you're unsure if your business/services/conduct is prohibited or not, you can reach out to us by tapping the chat bubble (bottom right) and sending us a support ticket. Our team will be happy to assist you.